Arts in Robotics is a growing interdisciplinary field that interconnects various subfields of robotics and the arts such as mechanism design and sculpture, motion planning and choreography, machine learning and painting, and haptics and costume design. Arts and entertainment have been a significant part of ICRA as in Stelarc’s mesmerizing performance at ICRA ’23 in London and the thought-provoking Automation in Expression gallery exhibition at ICRA ’22 in Philadelphia. There are an increasing number of technical papers on this topic as well. Following this trend, we are excited to announce that Arts in Robotics at ICRA ’25 welcomes proposals on artworks that are innovative, experimental, thought-provoking, and creative.
Please submit the Arts in Robotics proposal as a PDF file by 22 December 2024, 23:59 PST using the Workshop option on the submission site.
A submission must include:
- Document including title, abstract, and author list with affiliations, and describing a concrete idea on what will be presented in a final submission. Submissions may describe works in progress that will be completed by the time of final submission. For instance, if this is a visual art, concept images must be included. (maximum 3 pages not including references and appendix).
- Supplementary video (maximum 3 minutes)
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Fine art, e.g., drawing, painting, and sculpture
- Performing art, e.g., music, theater, and dance
- Installations, e.g., interactive gallery works
- Cinematic works, e.g., short films or videography techniques
- Robot designs that significantly leverage a field within arts and entertainment
Desk reject:
- Not relevant to robotics
- Not relevant to the arts
- Insufficient information (as described in submission requirements)
Submission policy:
We welcome original ideas as well as recently presented works. Authors should list any prior presentations of the work (as a finished piece or work-in-progress).
Review requirement:
We will assemble a panel of reviewers from authors as well as external experts. At least one author of a submission is required to review 2 artworks. Any submission that does not satisfy this requirement will be disqualified.
All accepted works will be presented at the conference special session venue. Subject to available resources, selected works may be invited to present their work in person in addition to their video submission.
Proposal due:
December 22, 2024 (anywhere on earth)
February 7, 2025
Final submission:
April 15, 2025 (anywhere on earth)
May 19-23, 2025
For further inquiries:
Arts in Robotics Chairs:
Amy LaViers, RAD Lab
Jean Oh, CMU