Robots in the Wild

In the field, we throw robots into the wild to achieve what seems a simple task, that quickly ends up being arduous. As experts, we continuously loop through designing, developing, […]

Robot Safety Under Uncertainty from Intangible Specifications

Robot and automation systems are expected to carry out increasingly sophisticated tasks in complex environments. This places stringent expectations on their autonomy stack to enforce operational constraints and safety guarantees. […]

Robot Software Architectures 2025

RSA25 is intended to create a forum where researchers, practitioners, and professionals can discuss on principles and practice in the use of advanced software development techniques for building robot software […]

Multi-Stable and Origami-based Soft Robots

Bi- and multi-stable structures, as well as origami structures, can rapidly release elastic energy during transitions between different equilibrium shapes. These snap-through transitions between stable configurations are characterized by rapid […]

Workshop on Field Robotics

Field robotics tackles the problem of developing, deploying, and evaluating autonomous mobile systems in unstructured and often dynamic environments. Typical commercial applications are in agriculture, construction, mining, and forestry. The […]

Public Trust in Autonomous Systems

Future robotic systems, such as autonomous vehicles and caregiving robots, promise to revolutionize our homes, cities, and roads. However, a critical question remains—how can we trust that these technologies will […]